Morocco Silences Voice Rejecting Normalization

Morocco Silences Voice Rejecting Normalization
Recently, the Moroccan government realised the existence of the Corona pandemic, only to use it for different reasons other than taking medical and preventive measures.
On Monday evening March 29, the Moroccan authorities decided to prevent the protest of The Moroccan Front for Supporting Palestine and Against Normalization to be held on Tuesday in front of Parliament in Rabat, commemorating the 45th anniversary of the Uprising of the Palestinian Land Day.
The local authorities of Rabat, Salé and Quneitra announced the prevention of any gathering or assembly in the public streets, under the pretext of “avoiding any breach to the health emergency, in the context of the precautionary measures taken by the government to prevent the outbreak of the Corona epidemic. Especially in light of the emergence of new strains, and taking into account the extension of the state of health emergency until next April 10.”
Moroccan political, trade union and human rights activities in the “Moroccan Front for Supporting Palestine and Against Normalization” announced last week the organization of protests on Tuesday, under the slogan: “Land Day … a continuous struggle to stop normalization”.
The recently formed Moroccan Front (of 15 political, trade union and human rights bodies) announced mobilization and participation in the vigils in various regions of Morocco, in commemoration of the Land Day uprising, which falls on Tuesday, March 30th.
The Front considered that “Normalizers have gone beyond limits by rushing to normalization with an enemy who is killing the people of Palestine, usurping their land, destroying their homes, expelling their rightful owners to replace settler with them, stealing water, uprooting trees, and violating sanctities, and threatens peace in the region as a whole. “
In its statement, the Front wondered about “the interest of Morocco, which suffered from colonialism, in placing its hand in the hands of the Zionist criminals,” considering that “normalization with the Zionist entity and supporting Palestine at the same time is impossible.”
Since the king of Morocco has tarnished the name of his country with normalization, Morocco has been racing with the Emirates to win the prize for the most traitor of Arabism and most loyal to Israel.
It signed the normalization agreement with the occupying entity, in exchange for US recognition of Morocco’s control over the southern Sahara.
A senior source in the US administration had told Reuters that former US President Donald Trump, hours before his departure, received the highest medal from Morocco for his help in reaching a normalization agreement with Israel, in a special ceremony held in the Oval Office of the White House.
Princess Lalla Jamala Alaoui, the Moroccan ambassador to the United States, presented Trump with the “Order of Muhammad award”, an award that only heads of state are gifted from Morocco’s King Mohammed VI.
White House chief adviser Jared Kushner and the US envoy to the Middle East Avi Berkowitz also received two awards for their work on the Israeli-Moroccan agreement last December.

Rushing Towards Normalization
Media reports stated that the King of Morocco, Mohammed VI, made an official direct invitation to the Prime Minister of the Occupation, Benjamin Netanyahu, to visit the Moroccan soil, in response to a similar invitation that Netanyahu made to the Moroccan king to visit “Tel Aviv” After the normalization agreement.
The Hebrew newspaper “Maariv”, confirmed the official Moroccan-Israeli communications, and added that Mohammed VI stipulated that the visit be conducted with the announcement of the resumption of peace negotiations between the Palestinians and the Israelis, in order to use it as a pretext to justify his position on normalization, and to claim that it was in the interest of the Palestinians.
According to the newspaper, the Moroccan king wants to use his position as head of the Jerusalem Committee to restore his country’s mediating role it played during the conclusion of the peace agreement with Egypt and pushing the Oslo and Casablanca processes. It indicated that the king’s personal intervention aims to emphasize his importance in front of the new American administration.
Read more: Tunisian Novelist Kamel Riahi: UAE Money in Exchange for Normalization