Adel Al-Jubeir- The one That Best Poisons Honey

Adel Al-Jubeir, Saudi Minister of State for Foreign, has been recruited by Mohamed Bin Salman to speak in an eloquent way, to improve his image, and demonize everyone opposing him.

In shameful statements to the English Arab News Channel, Al-Jubeir boasted about Saudi Arabia’s “molten” stance on normalization.
He began his speech in defense of the rights of the Palestinians, stressing that there are specific conditions that must be met in order for normalization to take place. His statement carries approval for normalization.

Al-Jubeir boasted that his country was a vital element in keeping the Arab world away from the three points of rejection, which were announced in Khartoum in 1967 that constitute of “No to negotiations, nor to recognition, or to peace.”.
From his point of view, rejecting negotiations with Israel was a matter that Arabs should not have clung to, and recognition of Israel is an obstacle to peace, a peace that –according to him- is possible to take place with a state built on the blood of the Palestinian people, on the ruins of another civilization, on the remains of Palestinians.
He spoke fluently and forcefully about the need to return to the two-state solution, an initiative that Saudi Arabia also presented more than once at the Arab summits.

He wants to establish an independent Palestinian state alongside a neighboring Israeli state.
Likewise, he sees that peace can be achieved, although in reality peace cannot be achieved until rights are returned to its owners, Palestinians return to their homeland, lands, and homes; in short, the occupation must end, and the Zionist guerrilla forces retreat from the places they control, and the so-called “Israel” disappear from existence.
This is the literal meaning of peace, and any other meaning is just a dilution of facts, a falsification of reality, and a fraud of justice.

Unfortunately, Adel Al-Jubeir is the author of the famous phrase that Khashoggi was killed by “rogue” elements, defending the possibility of the Crown Prince being involved in any way in this “rogue” operation, and he is also the one who stated to various media outlets that Loujain Al-Hathloul “is being tried for providing confidential information to hostile countries,” stressing that all of her legal rights are preserved and that her trial is impeccable. He used to repeat these statements while fully convinced that he was right.

Finally, “the poison cooker will someday taste it,” and if Al-Jubeir did not stop spreading his poison, surely, he will face the fate of traitors.

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